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Blooming Minds eMagazine / Issue 9

By Tasha Broomhall

In this May 2018 edition of our eMagazine we focus on workplaces.

In this edition we focus on the common issue we are seeing with many workplaces, and our community in general, still focusing on trying to reduce the stigma of mental illness. We still have work to do in this area, however we also need to start focussing on mental health and wellbeing. There is a significant body of research now that identifies how we can improve mental wellbeing for individuals and also how this can be applied into the workplace.

As we move into the middle of another year, winter settles in again for those of us in the southern hemisphere. Many people report that they find their mood and energy levels are affected by the arrival of winter. If this is you, have a read of our article about managing your winter funk.

We also have a feature article on the insidious creep of alcohol, from using it as a coping mechanism to it becoming a problem of dependence. And we have a bunch of brilliant articles from our regular contributors, Julie Meek, Sophie Budd and Peter Schupp.

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