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Blooming Minds eMagazine / Issue 12

By Tasha Broomhall

Over the last few years I have been researching positive mental wellbeing during study for a Master of Psychology, and now a PhD. I have been reassured that there are a range of approaches supported by research to help improve positive mental wellbeing. Yet the rates of mental health issues in our community don’t appear to be decreasing, the number of people we lose to suicide is increasing, and, despite high levels of mental health awareness and available services, there is still so much unmet need.

What can we do about this as individuals, families, communities and workplaces?

In this edition, we have interviewed a range of people taking proactive approaches that might provide inspiration for you to adopt in your own life. We also have a bunch of articles with ideas you can explore to improve your own mental wellbeing.

May you bloom,

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