Significant issues—such as psychosocial safety—require significant attention. A transactional, box-ticking approach is narrow sighted and brings its own risks. Rather than demonstrating your commitment, it can be a red flag, indicating that you haven’t taken the time to truly understand the issues and address them in a way that is sustainable and meaningful.
This book is not for you if you’re simply looking to tick boxes or address legislative requirements around psychological health and safety. The world, your organisation and especially your employees, do not need more box-ticking. If, instead, you want to consciously and systematically develop both yourself and a positive ecosystem within and around your team, this book can help. It presents ideas that are adaptive to suit your circumstances. Whether you are a board director, senior executive, manager, team leader, leading hand, HR, Safety, Change or OD professional, you can apply the principles outlined at your level of influence. In just 12 months, you can become a better leader and build a flourishing workforce.